The Bunker #08 · You Are Better Than What You Think You Are, Imposter Syndrome
How to believe in yourself, even if you don't. How to overcome imposter syndrome.
Hello friends! Welcome to chapter #08 of The Bunker. A Newsletter in which we talk about UX Design and the Freelance Journey, dedicated to those who are starting out in both worlds and who feel identified. From The Bunker, we accompany you on the way.
Let’s get started!
Looking back now, one of the things that has helped me grow as a designer, and honestly one of the things I wish I had learned earlier, is to understand that you are actually a better designer than you think you are.
You are really better than you think you are.
I know the above statement is a bit strange, but it is true. In other words:
Imposter syndrome is loosely defined as doubting your abilities and feeling like a fraud. It disproportionately affects high-achieving people, who find it difficult to accept their accomplishments. Many question whether they're deserving of accolades.
This in the creative disciplines is where we can really see it, because as everything is so subjective, for some it can be really attractive and for others it may not be. The reality is that because we are so strict with ourselves we sometimes think that our work is really bad, or not as good as others.
People say you’re actually better looking than you think you are. Why? Because you look at yourself in the mirror every single day. It works the same way here.
Let me tell you a few things:
✱ · Believe it, believe it, believe it. EVEN IF YOU DON’T. Believe in yourself, believe in what you say, believe in what YOU DO.
I know it is very hard to say, but I have had a hard time acquiring this mentality and I can assure you that it is really powerful. Belief is power.
✱ · Other designers are there to help.
Often we also need to be told the good things to remind us that we are really good. Ask other designers to give you as honest feedback as possible. You'd be surprised sometimes how positive the messages can be. And even if they are negative, you have your fellow designers ready to help you improve.
Ask for feedback and ask where you can improve. Others are willing to help you.
✱ · You are not alone :)
Again, you are not alone, you are not the only one who suffers from these thoughts. Join other designers and understand that this is a very common thing that happens to everyone when they started for the first time.
Some to a greater and lesser extent. And others because of their high level of confidence may not seem to doubt themselves, but I assure you that they have doubted themselves on occasion and even those who seem super confident, that their work is amazing I assure you that they also have thoughts like this on occasion.
✱ · 6 out of 10 is more than enough. Perfectionism kills dreams
One of the things that a psychologist said to me that had the greatest impact on me was: Perfection kills dreams, it prevents you from moving forward. Understand that doing things 6 out of 10 is more than enough. Do it well enough and move forward. You will improve it later, but if you wait for perfection, you will never start. Because perfection doesn’t exist.
✱ · Accept it
Accept that you have made and will make mistakes. Celebrate your mistakes 🎉, the sooner you make them, the sooner you will improve. Share your process, be open and transparent. You will be surprised how many people are willing to help you.
Understand that this is a common occurrence.
Start believing that you really are better than you think you are. Believe the feedback you get. If they tell you it's amazing, it's because it really is.
It's a matter of time, we all have a lot of doubts at the beginning. But don't give up, stay strong and TRUST YOURSELF (even if you don't trust, TRUST).
Cheers, Jordi Espinosa.
I’m hiring!
Hi! We are expanding our team and would like you to be part of the project. I am currently looking for:
Instagram post editor.
Instagram script writer.
UX Designer.
UI Designer.
Brand Designer.
If you are interested, you can find me on Instagram. @ux.espinosa
The Bunker Bookmarks
✱ · The Ultimate Guide to Choose the Right Typeface · Workbook
✱ · Second Brain for Creatives · Free Download
✱ · Typography is for everbody™ · Free Download
✱ · UX & Freelance Content Every Day
✱ · Podcast of the week.
✱ · My most productive mouse for Design.